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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/9/08

DECEMBER 9, 2008

Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.   Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright were present.

In accordance with MGL Chapter 87, section 3, a public hearing was held on the application of National Grid to remove or prune public shade trees.   Ryan Kress, National Grid arborist, advised that twenty one trees have been identified for removal along Hanover Street, Middle Road and Rolfe’s Lane.    A list of the trees, location , size, species and the defect condition was submitted.  Peter Hollis, Tree Warden, noted that many trees originally thought to be on private property have been shown by the Town’s County layout maps to be on town property.   A discussion on the trees and their removal ensued.  Mike Meyerdierks, Program Manager of National Grid, advised that a 25% in kind grant is offered by DCR for the replacement of town trees and NG would gladly aid the town with their application.  The hearing was opened to questions from residents.  Russ Osborn, 61 Hanover, stated he did not think his tree was tall enough to cross the street and damage the cable.   He asked how high the stump would be.    Ryan Kress noted his tree was private and trees would be cut as low as possible leaving a 6-8” stump.   The wood can be left for the homeowner if wanted.   Osborne withdrew his permission for removal.   Linda Powis, 22 Hanover, stated they love their trees but recognized they are decayed so papers were signed for removal.   Now, however, they have been notified that their two trees are actually on town property.   She stated they were still in favor of removal.   John Waraska, 15 Hanover, asked the purpose of this hearing.    He was advised the BOS must issue a permit to remove trees under public domain and this hearing was to gather information.    Charles Mead, 8 Hanover, asked if a tree is removed will it be replaced.   Selectman Story noted that grants are available through DCR for replacement trees but not on a tree to tree basis and suitable trees for the area would be selected.   Brownie Taylor, 50 Hanover, advised that as a lifelong resident of Hanover St.,  he could confirm the width of the taking for the road to be 70’ and his wall is on town property.    He was in favor of removing the trees.   Dennis Durrell, 23 Hanover, asked the position of the Board and time frame for the removal.     Selectman Wright asked if he wanted to lose his tree.    Durrell commented, it is a danger and should come down but I don’t want to see Hanover St. treeless.   Kress addressed the time frame.   Work would be done in March/April.   Stump removal and tree replacement would depend on the town budget.    Doug Packer noted that homeowners may replace trees on town property at their expense.    There is no policy in place governing this matter.   Kathleen Pearson asked the cost of tree removal.   Kress advised approximately $1000 or more per tree depending on the size and location.   John Waraska was concerned that home value would decline if stumps were not removed.   Kress noted stumps naturally decay in ten years but can be taken out in two years or less with a little work.    Lisa Powis commented there are many beautiful trees on our properties so removal of these diseased trees will not harm the looks of the street.    Chuck Mead asked if the trees could be taken down gradually.   Kress stated they could not because they are bad trees.    Chairman Russo suggested they speak with Counsel and the Building Inspector regarding the width of the road.   Selectman Story moved to table the decision on the permit until the next meeting on December 23rd, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.    Ryan Kress, Pat Smith and Mike Meyerdierks of National Grid were thanked for their time and input.

Finance Director Charles Kostro advised that our tax rate had been approved and tax bills would go out the end of the month.    The forecast of more local aid cuts does not look good for our FY10 budget and we will probably have another very difficult year before us.    Hopefully our 08 free cash and back tax collections will build up our reserves, he noted.      Properties the town would like to sell must first be declared surplus at a public hearing and any monies from these sales must go into the reserves and cannot be used for the operating budget.   Regarding the sale of the Woodbridge School, appraisal and a RFP are the next steps.   

 Selectman Wright thanked Chuck, Doug and Tim for organizing a volunteer group for P.I.     Chairman Russo also thanked the public at large for their offer of time for the sand bagging operation being held Saturday 12/13 @ 9 a.m. at Olga Way.  PIF was thanked for the sand bags, barriers and fund raising for our lobbyist.    PITA was thanked for working with DCR to provide money for the sand bagging project from their grant funds.    In addition the City of Gloucester provided 2500 sand bags through Tim Wareham and the Newbury Fire Department.  Chairman Russo noted that Wednesday evening’s meeting on P.I. erosion was very educational and there was good feed back.    Also the ACOE  visited Monday and the 204 Study (pumping sand on the beach) was almost complete.  It has been determined that the groin is state owned.  Doug noted that the fact that it is non-federal may help the town.

Joseph Costanzo of MVRTA spoke on their “Ring & Ride” service.     Newbury has been a member of MVRTA since the 80’s but has not opted to accept services.   Any payments to MVRTA for services reduces dollar for dollar our MBTA assessment which is currently $44K/year.   Costanzo noted that destinations for the Ring & Ride service is a local decision.    MVRTA works with the COA and elderly housing but the service can be available to every resident - that is the Town’s decision.   The only limit is the service must be within the Merrimack Valley.    Typical destinations for Groveland, Georgetown, West Newbury, Salisbury and Boxford were shown.    Eleven passenger wheel-chair accessible vans are used, reservations must be made 24 hours in advance, and the fee is $2 each way.    The Board was in agreement that this service would be welcomed in Newbury.    Selectman Story moved to  authorize the Town to use MRVTA’s Ring & Ride Service, description of service to be determined, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.    COA and Evelyn Noyes will be notified and can meet with Mr. Costanzo on proposed destinations for a brochure for Newbury.

A new 2009 Class II license was approved for TMB Motors @ 86 Newburyport Turnpike.    Jason Tucker, Julian Miller and Andy Bloomingdale are the operators of this business venture which includes sales and restoration of exotic autos, collectibles and quality used cars.   TMB was welcomed to town by the Board.

David Santomenna, Director of Land Conservation for the Essex County Greenbelt Association presented an agricultural preservation restriction for the Hill/Colby property on Scotland Road for review and approval.   The total restricted area is 73 acres.      Selectman Story moved to endorse the project, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.   The documents were signed and notarized.

On the recommendation of the Planning Board, Kathleen Pearson was appointed to fill Martha Taylor’s seat until the election in May 2009 on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.

Placing a permanent sign on the Upper Green to advertise functions was discussed.    Size, location, and design were all touched on.    Dave Mountain suggested reaching out to residents of the area with a concept and location for possible spring time installation.    Selectman Story moved to go forward with a design concept plans and location sites for a permanent sign, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

Andrew Alexson addressed the Board regarding 38th Street.    He presented a proposal from Pearson Landscaping for construction and staking of the boundaries by Hancock Engineering.    Packer of Conservation Commission stated that an order of conditions is in place for this work.   Alexson noted he was asking to go forward with the surveying at his expense.   If it is determined that the granite posts are improperly placed they will need to be removed by the owner or the town.    Kostro recommended approval of the project subject to review and approval of Tim and Counsel.    Selectman Wright moved to approve the process subject to review and approval of Tim Leonard and Counsel Penski, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.

The holiday schedule for Town Hall was discussed.   It was determined by the Board that Town Hall would be closed all day on December 24th and would open for a half day (until 12 noon) on December 31st.    The Christmas party was scheduled for Tuesday, December 23rd from 4-6 p.m.

The following 2009 business license renewals were granted on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously:  Adelynrood Conference & Retreat Center, A.L. Prime Energy, Angie’s Service Inc., Applied Automotive Technology, US#1 Auto Marine, Henry C. Becker, Carla J. Capolupo Parking Lot, Colonial Coiffures, Fernald’s Marine, Flukes & Finds, J. Gallant Pool & Spa Inc., Little River Realty Trust, Mr. Moe’s Newbury Butchery, Noyes Citgo, Olde Newbury Boat Co., PITA, Parker River Pub & Grille, Pheasant Meadow Farm, Plum Island Grille, Riverfront Marine Sports Inc., Sadie’s for Hair, Steve’s Service, Store-U-Self Storage, The Quilted Acorn, Tolman Automotive, Volpone Towing, Pearson Hardware and A & M Motors.

The following 2009 liquor license renewals were granted on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously:  Parker River Pub & Grille, Oldtown Country Club Inc., Corner Cupboard, D & J Liquors, Dick’s Variety, Mr. Moe’s Byfield General Store, Plum Island Grille, Inc., Newbury Butchery, Plum Crazy LLC.

A request for use of the Upper Green for a flea market/crafts fair as a fund raiser for Triton’s Class of 2009 on Saturday, May 16th (rain date May 23rd) was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

A one-day liquor license for the Byfield Community Center for their Cat in the Craddle Coffeehouse on Friday, December 19th from 7:30 to 11 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

The minutes of the November 24th and December 3rd meetings were approved as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

It was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to present a commendation to Robert Bishop of Newbury’s Fire Co. for setting up the Firemen’s Memorial Hall for the P.I. erosion meeting Wednesday, December 10th.

The meeting was closed at 9:45 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant